
Click to view the implementation plan as a PDF.

Explore the implementation of the Strategic Plan for Internationalization, which consists of specific goals for immediate focus beginning in 2021, followed by longer-term goals over five years. Progress made during each academic year is outlined below.

View Milestones that showcase key advancements made during implementation.

Implementation Progress – 2022-23 Academic Year

Goal 1 – Expand and Enhance Globally-Focused Research and Engagement

1.A.2. – Develop interdisciplinary faculty seminars abroad designed to enhance curriculum,  mobility, and research partnerships

  • Began talks with two current partners to develop faculty symposiums for AY 23-24

1.A.3. – Increase grant opportunities that foster international research

  • Entered planning stage for anticipated grant opportunities

1.B.1. – Map international activity of faculty and communicate broadly

  • Grew knowledge of faculty connections through a systematic review of UCSC departmental websites and faculty CVs

1.C.2. – Increase international graduate student enrollments

  • Explored options for strengthening relationships between UCSC and universities in Egypt to host Egyptian faculty, scholars, and students, and to send UCSC students
Goal 2 – Provide Global Learning Opportunities for All

2.A.2. – Increase the number of faculty-led and exchange programs, and increase student participation in both 

  • Launched new partner programs, expanding host institution options
  • Increased number of and participation in faculty-led programs, internships, and exchanges

2.A.5. – Expand and promote domestic study-away opportunities 

  • Increased UCDC participation, meeting campus enrollment requirement 
  • Re-signed MOU with two U.S. universities and explored new opportunities with others
  • Added UC Center Sacramento to Global Learning program portfolio

2.B.1. – Increase language curriculum tied to degrees and the Centers with regional research foci and area studies

  • Added Spanish language immersion options through new internship programs

2.C.1. – Partner with academic units to develop minors or concentrations with
global focus 

  • Initiated discussion with department of Languages and Applied Linguistics to explore development of new UCSC language majors by leveraging course offerings at institutional exchange partners
Goal 3 – Strengthen Student Success

3.B.1. – Support faculty and staff in teaching and working with students from
multiple countries, cultures, and backgrounds

  • Enhanced faculty training for Faculty-led Global Seminars and Global Classrooms (COIL)
  • Streamlined processes through second approver review in iGlobal with academic advisors
  • Facilitated College Student Life training, ISRP training and orientation, Diversity and Inclusion Certificate Program workshop, and Chinese Names Pronunciation workshop

3.B.2. – Expand and integrate co-curricular opportunities to engage students
across cultures and nationalities

  • Created Global Leader/Global Mentorship leadership development series
  • Enhanced International Student Orientation (in-person), events for Global Learning alumni, exchange student engagement, and promotion of APRU programs, and co-curricular event collaboration with campus units 
Goal 4 – Enhance Our Global Reputation

4.A.1. – Identify and develop research foci and world regions to prioritize international efforts and define UC Santa Cruz’s global profile

  • Faculty advisory group meets quarterly to establish strategy

4.B.2. – Support faculty collaboration and research with partners 

  • Grew the number and departmental diversity of faculty submitting projects to the International Summer Research Program (ISRP), and expanded the number of institutional partners sending students
  • UCSC Chancellor delegation visit to India to strengthen institutional relationships
  • Faculty delegation visits to Queen’s University Belfast, Leeds University, and the University of Bristol to foster new research collaborations
  • Hosted institutional delegation visits from Aarhus University (Vice Dean, Faculty of Natural Sciences), the University of Bristol (Vice Chancellor, President) and Queen’s University Belfast (Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor, Strategic Projects)
  • Awarded Erasmus+ grant jointly with Aarhus University to fund student/faculty mobility

4.C.2. – Leverage innovative tools to collect, archive, analyze, and display international activity

  • Explored innovative visual storytelling through migration to new website platform
  • Featured internationalization across campus-wide and Global Engagement-specific publications and communications channels

Implementation Progress – 2021-22 Academic Year

Goal 1 – Expand and Enhance Globally-Focused Research and Engagement

1.A.1. – Provide seed grants to faculty to expand international collaborations

  • Beginning planning proposal process for faculty in AY 2022-23

1.B.1. – Map international activity of faculty and communicate broadly

  • Developed GlobalConnect database to catalog international connections and activities

1.C.2. – Increase international graduate student enrollments

  • Focused on sponsored student growth post-pandemic through outreach to sponsors
Goal 2 – Provide Global Learning Opportunities for All

2.A.1. – Support faculty in the creation or modification of globally-focused courses

  • Launched eight new Global Classrooms (COIL/Virtual Exchange) in AY 2021-22
  • Established, in partnership with CITL, a faculty fellow focused on Global Classrooms development
  • Created and delivered, in collaboration with CITL and Online Education, COIL/Virtual Exchange training workshop for faculty

2.A.3. – Develop virtual and in-person international internship programs

2.A.4. – Develop international online course exchanges

2.B.1. – Increase language curriculum tied to degrees and the Centers with regional research foci and area studies

  •  Established new bilateral student exchange programs, many of which offer unique and robust language offerings
Goal 3 – Strengthen Student Success

3.A.2. – Monitor the well-being of the international student populations

  • Established an International Student Engagement Advisor position to focus on
    international student success and retention

3.B.1. – Support faculty/staff in teaching and working with international students

  • Enhanced Global Classrooms training to include sections on intercultural communication, language diversity, and technology access

3.B.2. – Expand and integrate co-curricular opportunities to engage students across cultures and nationalities

Goal 4 – Enhance Our Global Reputation

4.A.1. – Identify and develop research foci and world regions to prioritize international efforts and define UC Santa Cruz’s global profile

  • Established faculty advisory group

4.B.1. – Increase the number of international partnerships

  • Established eight new student exchange programs in AY 2021-22 with university partners abroad
  • Hosted two university delegation visits from the UK and India

4.C.1. – Communicate our assets, activities, impacts, and plans via the web, annual reports, newsletters, and other publications

Goal 5 – Define Organizational Structure

5.B.1. – Create and fund a position dedicated to managing international risk that will create policy and enact best practices to mitigate risk to individuals and the institution

  • Secured funding for international risk manager staff position through campus-wide resource call
Last modified: Jul 09, 2024