Faculty-led Global Seminars are back for summer 2022

After a year filled with uncertainty and a pause in student mobility, Global Seminars are back to reignite the spirit of global learning for students at UC Santa Cruz.

Global Learning, within the Division of Global Engagement, has grown its program portfolio substantially over the past year, partnering with our faculty members to offer 13 impactful programs during summer 2022. 

Each Global Seminar program offers dynamic ways of fulfilling different UCSC course requirements, such as GE’s and major-specific requirements; keeping students on track, and offering a global learning experience as part of the UCSC degree.

“Global Seminars are a wonderful opportunity for our students to learn from faculty members who are passionate about the topics of the programs, and the locations where each program is being held. These hands-on experiences provide a chance for students to learn without classroom walls, directly in the communities and cultures that they are learning about,” Emma May, assistant director of Global Learning said.

Global Seminar programs are open to UC students from all campuses and encompass UCSC courses taught abroad/away, with excursions and cultural activities enhanced by the location. Many programs provide opportunities for students to visit non-English speaking countries while doing their coursework in English. Class sizes are small — 12-25 students — allowing for an intimate learning experience.

Global Seminars offered during summer 2022

Global Seminars represent an achievement in campus internationalization, connected to Goal 2 – Provide Global Learning Opportunities for All.

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Last modified: Jun 12, 2023