Study Abroad, within the division of Global Engagement, has seen growth in its portfolio of global learning opportunities over the past few years, in an effort to diversify program options and provide access to all students at UC Santa Cruz.
Portfolio growth began this summer with the transfer of oversight of the UCDC Washington program, which supports students who pursue internships and academic study in the nation’s capital, to Study Abroad.
“The addition of UCDC to the programs administered by Study Abroad is mutually beneficial. Study Abroad adds an important program to its portfolio of opportunities for students and UCDC benefits from the synergies with Study Abroad and their wonderful staff with extensive experience in running similar programs. From my perspective as the campus director for UCDC, it is a clear win-win,” faculty director of UCDC Dan Wirls said.
The office is now also officially advising on domestic exchanges with the University of New Hampshire and the University of New Mexico. With UCSC Exchanges including domestic experiences, global learning opportunities are available to students who cannot or choose not to travel abroad internationally for their studies.
“One of the most important benefits is that we are developing a hub for all students to discover the expansive global learning opportunities available to them quickly and efficiently. Additionally, our team works toward making sure program planning and support for students will become even more streamlined,” Director of Study Abroad Alice Michel said.
Currently, Study Abroad is seeking new and innovative student opportunities, such as virtual and in-person global internships. These will be academic summer opportunities that allow students to work with international organizations, providing a global perspective and professional experience.
Soon to follow, In-person internships will mirror virtual internships while allowing students to be on-the-ground in international settings.
“Global internships, whether in person or virtual, offer students a unique experiential and intercultural learning opportunity. They will allow students to complement their studies at UC Santa Cruz while at the same time expand their professional skills in preparation for a global job market after they graduate,” Michel said.
It is through the growth and development of new global learning opportunities that Study Abroad commits to its mission to provide students with international experience, promote an internationalized campus, and broaden student perspective and involvement in the world.