October 08, 2019

The deadline for Summer 2021 Faculty-Led Study Abroad Program proposals is January 6, 2020. Faculty interested in developing new study abroad programs can submit their proposals via an online application process through UC Santa Cruz Study Abroad website.
Faculty-Led Summer Study Abroad programs offer students an international experience with UC Santa Cruz faculty. These programs encompass UC Santa Cruz courses taught abroad, enhanced by the location, excursions and cultural activities.
The Division of Global Engagement provides administrative and logistical support for faculty to teach UCSC coursework abroad through these programs. They foster relationships with institutions overseas and expand study abroad opportunities for students in a broad range of academic disciplines.
All proposals undergo a formal application and review process by the Senate Committee on International Education (CIE) and UC Santa Cruz Study Abroad. Approved programs for summer 2021 will begin full program development during the spring and summer 2020 terms to be ready for recruitment in the fall and winter quarters prior to the program launch.
Additional information on the proposal process is available on studyabroad.ucsc.edu/faculty. To view the study abroad programs available in 2020, please visit studyabroad.ucsc.edu/programs.