The Division of Global Engagement is looking for motivated and enthusiastic international and domestic students to serve as Global Leader/Mentors (GLM) during our Fall 2020 International Student Orientation (ISO) for incoming frosh and exchange/transfer students. We rely on our team of dedicated students to help welcome our new class of international slugs coming this year.
GLMs will go through Spring and Fall Training to develop intercultural communication competency and leadership skills, which will be put to use in September when our new international students arrive on campus. Work is part time in spring (during training) and full time in September prior to and throughout the International Student Orientation program. Those staying on as Global Mentors will continue working with us for the remainder of the academic year.
Think you got what it takes? Review the Job Description and Apply Here!*
Applications via the link above are due by Friday, January 31, 2020.
If you have any questions about the position, please email globalprogramming@ucsc.edu.
The Global Programming Team
Division of Global Engagement
* Successful applicants will be asked to formally apply for the position through the ERS.