The division of Global Engagement at UC Santa Cruz and the University of Melbourne met on November 4 to examine the possibilities for developing a Global Exchange program.
“As one of the finest institutions in Australia and the world, the University of Melbourne would be an excellent partner for UC Santa Cruz and would provide students with a broad array of outstanding opportunities to study abroad in English,” Director of Global Initiatives George Sabo said.
Belinda Price, Team Leader for Inbound Global Learning Programs at the University of Melbourne (Australia) visited UC Santa Cruz to tour the campus and meet with the division of Global Engagement to discuss the potential for a direct student exchange. These partnerships between UC Santa Cruz and top institutions around the world form a key part of the division’s ongoing efforts to grow study abroad opportunities for students. Over the next few quarters, the division will be seeking input from faculty and academic departments about where a potential Global Exchange with the University of Melbourne could best be hosted.
Learn more about the University of Melbourne and Global Exchange programs at UC Santa Cruz.