By Keri Toma, Global Programs Manager

Are you interested in broadening intercultural and global awareness on campus? Save the date and join the Division of Global Engagement in celebrating International Education Week in November!
Each November, the Department of State and the Department of Education celebrates and promotes the benefits of international education and exchange during International Education Week (IEW). The Division of Global Engagement is seeking cross-campus involvement with the hope that your department, office, or college consider hosting a cultural or global-themed event during the week of Nov. 13–16, 2018. Thanks to your efforts last year, there were over 20 International Education Week events open to our campus community.
This year, the Division of Global Engagement will be sponsoring several events throughout International Education Week, including study abroad workshops, our monthly international coffee hour, second annual international trivia night, and an International Education Week fair. We want to create a diverse and robust line up for International Education Week, and we hope you will be a part of this by hosting an event.
Suggested events include, but are certainly not limited to:
- A diversity and inclusion workshop
- A lesson on language or culture
- A lecture on global economics
- A night in the residence halls where international students share their culture with others and/or study abroad returnees talk about their experiences
We are also happy to talk to you and discuss possible event ideas.
To get involved and host an event, register through our online form by Oct. 15, 2018.
For more ideas, please view last year’s IEW program. We are also happy to talk to you and discuss possible event ideas or find ways to collaborate on currently scheduled programming.
For questions regarding IEW at UC Santa Cruz, please contact To learn more about IEW in general, please visit the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs’ website.