UC Santa Cruz’s participation in the ACE Internationalization Lab will be near its conclusion in February 2021 with a virtual peer review three-day site visit consisting of meetings with multiple campus stakeholders.
The peer review was first scheduled as an in-person visit on the UC Santa Cruz campus during spring quarter of 2020 but was delayed due to the pandemic.
The virtual peer review team includes Dr. Gil Latz, ACE Advisor for UC Santa Cruz and vice provost for global strategies and international affairs at The Ohio State University, along with two expert advisors from ACE, Dr. Ross Lewin, associate vice president for international affairs at the University of Maryland and a UC Santa Cruz alumnus, and Dr. Susan Buck Sutton, retired senior advisor for international initiatives at Bryn Mawr College.
The team will meet with the Chancellor, CP/EVC and academic campus leaders, other senior administrators, the Faculty Senate, and students.
“The peer review team brings a wealth of expertise to this final component of the ACE Internationalization Lab by engaging campus leaders and stakeholders in discussions on the value of global engagement, the draft Internationalization plan and the implementation of it in our UCSC context,” Assistant Vice Provost of Global Engagement Becky George said.
A draft Strategic Plan for Internationalization will be shared with all meeting participants in advance to inspire discussion on the process and the plan, specific to the UCSC context, with this highly respected team of experts.
Following the virtual peer review site visit, a final Strategic Plan for Internationalization will be sent to the Chancellor and CP/EVC for approval.
The Steering Committee looks forward to the culmination of the ACE Internationalization Lab, a two-year process, and making preparations to implement the strategic plan in the near future.
More information can be found on the UC Santa Cruz ACE Internationalization Lab website.
Virtual Peer Review Team

Gil Latz is vice provost for global strategies and international affairs at The Ohio State University. In his most recent past position, Dr. Latz was associate vice chancellor for international affairs, professor of geography, and philanthropic studies affiliated faculty member, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI); and associate vice president for international affairs, Indiana University. Until 2012, Dr. Latz was affiliated with Portland State University (PSU), where he held positions in Geography, International Studies, and as vice provost for international affairs.
In addition to his position at IUPUI, Dr. Latz is the immediate past president of the Association of International Education Administrators (AIEA). He has a longstanding interest in curricular internationalization, including publications on the intersection of internationalization, diversity, and community engagement, global learning for all, and assessing study abroad. In 2009, Dr. Latz chaired the submission that garnered PSU the NAFSA: Association of International Educators, Senator Paul Simon Award for Exemplary Campus Internationalization. Before he was appointed an Internationalization Laboratory Advisor, Dr. Latz served as a peer reviewer for 10 Lab institutions.
Dr. Latz’s academic research focuses on: regional development and resource management policy (agriculture and urban) in East Asia, North America, and Europe; Japan’s modernization process in terms of the role played by philanthropy and civic leadership; international trade; and curricular internationalization. Dr. Latz earned his B.A. at Occidental College. He holds an M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Chicago and studied at the University of Tokyo as part of his graduate research training.

Ross Lewin is responsible for the strategic planning and direction of the University of Maryland’s (UMD) internationalization efforts. As the associate vice president for international affairs, he leads the office and its units in enhancing international programs and services for both the campus community and international visitors; promoting the internationalization of UMD undergraduate and graduate programs; and developing strategic partnerships with leading academic and research institutions, international corporations, and governmental and non-governmental organizations around the world. Before beginning work at UMD in 2012, Dr. Lewin was at the University of Connecticut, where he worked as the executive director of the Office of Global Programs and director of the Office of Study Abroad.
Dr. Lewin is editor of The Handbook of Practice and Research in Study Abroad (Routledge & AAC&U, 2009). He earned his B.A. in politics and literature from the University of California Santa Cruz and both his M.A. and his Ph.D. in German studies from Stanford University.

Susan Buck Sutton
brings 40 years as a faculty member and administrator to her work on global learning and engagement in higher education. Recently retired as senior advisor for international initiatives at Bryn Mawr College, Sutton is also emerita associate vice president of international affairs and emerita chancellor’s professor of anthropology at Indiana University. She is currently a fellow at the Institute of International Education and a senior associate at the American Council on Education. Sutton has been president of the Association of International Education Administrators, and officer or adviser at NAFSA, AAC&U, IAU, and the Forum on Education Abroad.
As an anthropologist, she was also editor of the Journal of Modern Greek Studies and President of the General Anthropology Division of the American Anthropological Association. Sutton has published 5 books and 70+ articles, and given numerous presentations and workshops, both nationally and internationally, on strategic international planning, partnerships, and curriculum development. She holds a Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill) and a B.A. from Bryn Mawr College, both in anthropology.