Becky Jean George

User Becky Jean George

User Assistant Vice Provost of Global Engagement and Senior International Officer

User(831) 459-1288


Division of Global Engagement

Assistant Vice Provost of Global Engagement and Senior International Officer



Classroom Unit 1
Office 211

By appointment

Global Engagement

Becky George is the Assistant Vice Provost of the Division of Global Engagement and the campus Senior International Officer (SIO).  She is responsible for leading the University's overall global strategy through the implementation of the UCSC Strategic Plan for Internationalization.  As SIO she has a particular focus on faculty engagement to develop, expand and strengthen partnerships abroad to faciliate global learning, teaching and research.  Additionally, she has administrative oversight for study abroad, international student and scholar services, global programming for international students and scholars and global initiatives within the Division of Global Engagement.  

Prior to joining UCSC she served as the Senior Director of International and English Language Programs at the University of Washington, Seattle.  She received her BA in Teaching from Western Oregon University and her Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) from Portland State University, Oregon.  

International Education Administration

Language Acquistion and Teaching

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)

Language Acquisition



2017:  Fulbright International Administrators Award

2013-2014:  President, American Association of Intensive English Programs

2002:  English Language Specialist Grantee, U.S. Department of State, Dominican Republic

1997-1998:  Fulbright Scholar Award, Visiting Professor, Mexico.

American Association of Intensive English Programs Annual Professional Development Workshop, San Francisco, CA, January 2013: "Student Learning Outcomes; Assessment and Accreditation." (Co-Presenter) 


TESOL 2013 International Convention, Dallas, TX, March 2013: "IEP Best Practices for Participating in University Regional Accreditation." (Co-Presenter) 

 Teacher Workshop, Polytechnic Negeri, Medan, Indonesia, April 2012: "Curriculum Development; Student Learning Outcomes and Assessment." 

Hanoi University of Foreign Languages, Vietnam and the Hong Kong Ministry of Education, October 2007: ''Teaching English Pronunciation Communicatively”. 



Last modified: Mar 01, 2025