On October 19, 2022, Global Learning hosted its annual Global Learning Opportunities Fair, an all-day event that introduces students to the numerous global experiential learning options available to them while at UCSC.
A steady stream of hundreds of students flowed through the Quarry Plaza excited to learn about UCSC’s faculty-led Global Seminars, Partner Programs, Global Internships, and other types of Global Learning programs. Additionally, financial aid advisors and scholarship representatives shared information for funding, and students were able to receive instructions on how to apply for a passport while attending the fair.
“The Global Learning Fair connects students who want to study abroad/away and those who have the experience to help them. Overall, the fair was an amazing opportunity for students to participate in,” said Esteban Rosales, Global Learning peer advisor.
In attendance were program specialists from UC San Diego, UC Davis, and UCEAP, as well as partner program providers International Studies Abroad (ISA) and Academic Programs International (API). Additionally, independent program providers Wildlands Studies and Semester at Sea were available to share information about their unique educational opportunities.
UC Santa Cruz faculty and instructors also attended to meet with interested students, share information, and encourage participation, including program leaders for upcoming faculty-led Global Seminars including Steve Coulter for Writing 2 in Ireland: Research and Travel Writing, Nada Milijkovic for Eco-Entrepreneurship in Costa Rica, and Muriam Davis and Thomas Serres for Mediterranean France: The History and Politics of Immigration.
“Speaking with students about the Eco-Entrepreneurship in Costa Rica, a course we are offering as a Global Learning program in summer 2023 was exciting. Their eyes lit up when they heard my descriptions of the exotic places and business types we would be visiting. I also spoke with a fellow UCSC faculty member who was from Costa Rica, whose interest turned to pride as I told them about the Costa Rican business development initiatives that strongly support the country’s overall economic growth through the promotion of sustainability and by being environmentally conscious,” said Nada Miljkovic, UCSC Lecturer.
Global Learning alumni, peer mentors, and global leaders shared insight on their experiences abroad or away, encouraging students to participate in experiential learning opportunities that they may not otherwise have been aware of.
For the past two years, the fair was held remotely, allowing students to explore their potential study abroad or away journeys while remaining socially distant during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Visit Global Learning to learn more about experiential learning opportunities abroad or away.
Providing Global Learning Opportunities for All is key to our Strategic Plan for Internationalization.