To expand and enhance globally-focused research and engagement at UC Santa Cruz, the Division of Global Engagement in collaboration with faculty hosts welcomed a cohort of eight international student interns during the summer of 2023. These enthusiastic undergraduate students embarked on a transformative journey as they participated in the International Summer Research Program (ISRP).
The faculty who hosted student interns were David Lee of Computational Media, and Raquel Prado and Ju Hee Lee of Statistics. The student interns came from Amrita University in Coimbatore, India, Seoul National University in Korea, and the University of Leeds in the UK.
The ISRP at UC Santa Cruz is a testament to the university’s commitment to comprehensive internationalization by providing students with a rich and diverse educational experience. This program not only invites students to campus but also cultivates an environment where the exchange of ideas is celebrated.
Feedback from both the students and their faculty hosts was again very positive. The new environment, out of the rhythm of their coursework, allowed student interns to enjoy diving deep into research. Many showed a high level of independence, driving their research projects, and all felt it was an enriching experience.
“I see ISRP as facilitating synergistic collaborative experiences for faculty research labs and students”, said David Lee. “It provides students with the ability to have mentored research experiences, and faculty with the ability to explore directions outside of what they have funding for. I think it also benefits the campus community through the exchange of cultures and the establishment of relationships and collaborations.”
One of the hallmarks of the ISRP is the emphasis on building interactions not only among students but also with UC Santa Cruz faculty, postdocs, and graduate students. These relationships provide a foundation for students to explore future opportunities for graduate study and careers in research.
Any faculty member interested in hosting a student intern in summer 2024 should submit a project description to Global Engagement as soon as possible. Applications from students will be drawn from partner universities for faculty review and selection in January and February 2024.
The application for summer 2024 is open. Interested students must complete their application, by January 22, 2024. More information is available on the ISRP website.
For questions about the ISRP, please contact Director of Global Initiatives George Sabo at gsabo@ucsc.edu.
Expanding and enhancing globally-focused research and engagement is key to our Strategic Plan for Internationalization.