News & Events

  • Assisting students returning home

    As COVID-19 began to spread throughout the world, UC Santa Cruz Study Abroad monitored its impact on students abroad, looking to the U.S. Department of State and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for information. In partnership with UCEAP, Study Abroad worked to ensure students experienced a safe and timely departure from their host countries and…

  • Gilman Scholarship increase at UC Santa Cruz

    UC Santa Cruz has seen a two hundred percent increase in Gilman scholarship applications for the summer/fall cycle. There were 34 applications in the summer/fall of 2019-2020 and this year there were 72 applications for the summer/fall 2020-2021 session. This leap in interest is largely due to the advisors’ efforts to increase outreach for the…

  • H-1B and TN application processes update

    Due to COVID-19 impacts on USCIS processing and international travel, ISSS has updates on H-1B and TN application processes. Update 1: USCIS Temporarily Suspends Premium Processing  What does this mean? On Friday, March 20, USCIS suspended Premium Processing for all applications using Forms I-129 or I-140, which are included in all H-1B and green card applications. ISSS…

  • Get a jump start on the academic year with Summer Edge Program

    Summer Edge Program is an exciting opportunity for new International students to transition with confidence to university life in the United States, get a head start on degree progress, and meet other new international and domestic UC Santa Cruz students. Come and experience a rigorous academic environment at a world-class research university and connect with…

  • Creative Coding student to study design in Bogota through 100k Strong Grant

    In summer 2020, Creative Coding Ph.D. student Montana Fowler will travel to the Universidad de los Andes (UniAndes) in Colombia to participate in an international student research internship funded by the 100,000 Strong in the Americas Innovation Fund (100k Strong) grant. Fowler will work with Dr. Andrés Burbano in the School of Architecture and Design at UniAndes.…

  • iGlobal – ISSS information management upgrade coming soon

    This summer, International Student and Scholar Services is transitioning to a new interactive software, iGlobal, an online tool to better manage International student, scholar and employee information in a secure environment. iGlobal will be UCSC’s self-service portal providing online services. The following types of secure online services will be available: With the transition to iGlobal,…

  • IIT Kanpur delegation visits UCSC to talk collaboration

    A delegation of five leaders from The Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur (IITK) visited UC Santa Cruz on November 18, 2019, to meet with campus leadership including Chancellor Larive, various deans, and faculty to discuss research collaboration, student research exchange, and other joint projects. The IITK delegation consisted of Professors Abhar Karandikar, Director, Debashish Kundu,…

  • ACE Internationalization Lab enters final phase

    The Co-chairs of the UC Santa Cruz steering committee for the American Council on Education (ACE) Internationalization Lab attended the final meeting of the 16th cohort at ACE headquarters in Washington D.C. on December 13. Meeting participants gathered to provide updates on planning efforts at their respective campuses and to share best practices for internationalization and strategic…

  • Hiring: Global Leader Mentors

    The Division of Global Engagement is looking for motivated and enthusiastic international and domestic students to serve as Global Leader/Mentors (GLM) during our Fall 2020 International Student Orientation (ISO) for incoming frosh and exchange/transfer students. We rely on our team of dedicated students to help welcome our new class of international slugs coming this year. GLMs will go through Spring and Fall…

  • 2019 Study Abroad Fair recap

    By Brian Lee  On October 23rd, 2019, Study Abroad hosted its annual Study Abroad Fair. The fair saw its biggest turnout to date, with over 700 students, staff, faculty, and affiliates coming to learn about UC Santa Cruz study abroad and away programs. The fair offers students the opportunity to explore Faculty-Led Summer 2020 programs…

  • China Scholarship Council adds departments to agreement

    A delegation from China Scholarship Council (CSC) and Chinese Consulate visited UC Santa Cruz faculty and students on October 25 as part of a meet and greet hosted by Global Engagement. This well-received, successful visit led to CSC expressing interest in growing its dedication to funding UCSC Ph.D. students. UC Santa Cruz has had an…

  • Building community through programming

    By Tyler Shores  Global Programming, a relatively new unit within the Division of Global Engagement, is tasked with facilitating international student orientations and programs as well as events for international students and scholars, study abroad students, and the general campus population. “We are focused on helping students make connections with each other to foster community, find the…

Last modified: Jun 10, 2023