Limited Call for Statements of Interest: Funded Faculty Delegation to Aarhus University (Denmark) September 7–14, 2024

The Division of Global Engagement (GE) invites Statements of Interest from UC Santa Cruz Senate faculty who are interested in participating in a one-week, funded delegation trip to visit Aarhus University, a UC Santa Cruz institutional exchange partner located in Aarhus, Denmark.

Funding for this delegation trip is provided by a grant from the European Commission’s Erasmus+ program, awarded jointly to Aarhus University and UC Santa Cruz. The grant supports faculty mobility to generate and strengthen institutional partnership engagement and develop new connections for research and teaching aimed at broadening and increasing reciprocal student and faculty exchanges between the institutions. To continue to build on the connections made during this delegation visit, Aarhus University will use its grant funding to send a delegation of its faculty to UC Santa Cruz for a reciprocal visit, tentatively in Spring 2025.

Per the grant, there is a preference for faculty applicants from the following UCSC departments, however, applicants from departments outside those listed who apply by the deadline may also be considered:

  • Biomolecular Engineering (Basking Engineering)
  • Earth and Planetary Sciences (Physical and Biological Sciences)
  • Environmental Studies (Social Sciences)

Your Statement of Interest will consist simply of your responses to the following prompts (300 words or fewer, per prompt).

  1. Per the criteria outlined in the Call, what are your goals for participating?   
  2. What are two to three anticipated outcomes and what is the timeline to realize the outcomes?
  3. How will your participation be beneficial not only to your teaching and/or research, but also to UC Santa Cruz more generally?

Tentative Itinerary

Dates: September 7-14, 2024

  • Saturday, September 7th:  Depart the U.S.
  • Sunday, September 8th:  Arrive in Aarhus, Denmark.
  • Monday to Friday, September 9th – 13th:  On-site at Aarhus University. 
  • Saturday, September 14th: Depart Denmark, arrive back in the U.S. 


Goals for this trip are largely the same as the recent Faculty Seminar Away to the UK:

  • Engage UCSC faculty directly in the work of deepening institutional partnerships and advancing the Strategic Plan for Internationalization for the campus 
  • Foster international and interdisciplinary connections and dialogue, internally among UCSC faculty participants, and externally, with faculty at the partner institution
  • Provide opportunities for UCSC faculty to develop new or strengthen existing  relationships with colleagues abroad that may lead to deeper ongoing work with the host country/institution that accrues benefits to the UCSC community, e.g.:
    • Teaching and research connections to spur new international curriculum development such as Global Classrooms.
    • Deeper understanding of a partner institution’s curriculum, to support Global Engagement’s effort to pre-approve partner courses taken by UCSC students participating in exchange programs.
    • New research collaborations that can unlock potential for larger, often multi-country research grants, potentially creating new opportunities for graduate student training.
    • Institutional familiarity to promote and advance multi-modal engagement that strengthens and deepens the partnership.

What to Expect / Examples of Possible Engagement

  • Some structured activities and opportunities to engage broadly, most likely earlier in the week, e.g. roundtable discussions, overview of research funding opportunities, tours of facilities/labs, networking lunches/receptions
  • Some follow-up activities, to be individually arranged by faculty, e.g. more in-depth meetings/discussions on research, curriculum; visits to specific labs/facilities, etc. 

Criteria and Review

  • All Senate faculty are eligible to apply.
  • Statements of Interest will be evaluated on the following:
    • Clearly articulated goals and expected outcomes for teaching and/or research.
    • Priority will be given to those proposals that address both teaching and research goals.
    • Explanation of how expected outcomes will benefit both institutions and the partnership.
  • Up to 4 participants will be selected, at least one from each department.
  • A committee will review submissions and select participants. 
  • Faculty will be notified in writing regarding the final status of their submission as soon as possible after the deadline.

Helpful Links

Overview of Faculties at Aarhus University:

A selection of Departments, Research Areas, and Centers

Last modified: Jun 06, 2024