The Co-chairs of the UC Santa Cruz steering committee for the American Council on Education (ACE) Internationalization Lab attended the final meeting of the 16th cohort at ACE headquarters in Washington D.C. on December 13. Meeting participants gathered to provide updates on planning efforts at their respective campuses and to share best practices for internationalization and strategic plan creation.
The UC Santa Cruz steering committee is now approaching the final phase of its planning timeline. After conducting a series of meetings with academic departments and thoroughly reviewing current international activities on campus, steering committee members identified institutional priorities and drafted a strategic plan that aspires to lead the campus through a new phase of enhanced internationalization efforts. The draft strategic plan is currently under review by the Academic Senate.
As another part of the final phase of the ACE Lab planning process, a peer review site visit will be conducted at UC Santa Cruz on May 13, 2020, by a group of experts including the ACE Lab mentor for UC Santa Cruz, Gil Latz, vice provost for global strategies and international affairs at The Ohio State University; Susan Sutton, emerita associate vice president of international affairs at Indiana University; and Ross Lewin, associate vice president for international affairs at the University of Maryland. The site review will last two days and consist of meetings with senior campus leadership, academic senate faculty, and staff to produce a report. This site visit report will analyze the current status of internationalization at UC Santa Cruz and make further recommendations to the steering committee about how to implement the campus strategic plan.
By July of this year, an ACE final report and internationalization strategic plan will be completed and submitted to campus leadership. The Internationalization Lab process is on track to be completed by August 2020. Visit our timeline webpage for a detailed outline of events.
More about the ACE Internationalization Lab
The campus internationalization effort aims to better prepare our undergraduate and graduate students to meaningfully engage in an increasingly interconnected world.
The ACE Internationalization Laboratory is a guided and collaborative strategic planning process that takes place over a two-year period.
The UC Santa Cruz ACE Internationalization Lab website is a resource that includes details about the lab, timeline, and participants and will be updated as the process unfolds. We hope you will take part in bringing a global perspective to our campus goals of teaching, research, and service.